We get involved with several events for the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank including Pack That Truck, Coinbox Collections and more.

OPEN M serves more than 50,000 individuals annually with food, health and employment services—all intended to create pathways out of poverty. OPEN M leverages a community alliance of churches, businesses and volunteers to offer programs to those in need.
Open M received grant funding from the Akron Rotary Foundation for its Feeding Kids Backpack Project.
Weekend meals are packed for 100 low-income and food insecure students for Akron's Innes Middle School.
Captain: Rob McGregor - EMAIL ROB
The Dragons on the Lake Dragon Boat Festival is an annual event to raise proceeds for Breast Cancer survivors. We participate as competitors with a 20 person team paddling for three intense brief heats as well as fundraisers for this worthy cause. This is a great way to join a team, compete, flex your guns and most importantly, serve others. An equal opportunity event, the rules require at least six female paddlers out of twenty! We have a seasoned veteran as coach and an inspiring survivor story within our own club! A perfect opportunity to have fun and serve for
the physically active Rotarian. We welcome you to join Captain Rob!
We can't brag enough about our 2019 Akron Rotary Wavemakers! Not only did they place second at the Dragons on the Lake Dragon Boat Festival, but they also had the 2nd best time in the history of the race! Paddles Up! Special thank you to our Captain Robert McGregor on this achievement! And all for such a great cause! Thank you to all who participated in this tremendous event.